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OTS Logistik Indonesia
The company specializes in international freight forwarding
and logistics management
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Voluptatem dignissimos provident quasi corporis voluptates sit assumenda.
PT. OTS Logistik Indonesia was established in 2009 as a global logistics provider offering all various modes of logistics selected services.
Over the years, OTS Logistik Indonesia continues to dedicate itself to provide customers and associates with a high level of service.
Together with a strategic foresight,sound management and good business intuition,the company has brought itself to gain creditable recognition in the field of international shipping and logistics management.
Check Our Services

Sea Freight
Offering our best service for both FCL & LCL, covering international & domestic services. With a strong networking & reliable staff around the world, OTS Logistik Indonesia are able to provide a total logistic solution for every comprehensive customers inqury

Air Freight
From a single document to flight charter, OTS Logistik Indonesia will deliver your cargoes regardless of its size & weight

Land Transportation
With qualified drivers & full equiped inland transportation, OTS Logistik Indonesia able to support customer's supply chain needs from door to door services

Customs Broker
As a total logistic solution, OTS Logistik Indonesia provide customer with inhouse custom clearance. OTS custom clearance team will ensure a fast, smooth & hassle clearance of export import shipments

Project Handling
OTS Logistik Indonesia proud to share what we have in doing some projects from OOG (Out Of Gauge) cargoes to break bulk cargoes

NVOCC Services
OTS Logistik Indonesia proud to offer customer with our own NVOCC services that mainly focus on East & West Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Iran, UAE and Russia
Check Our Portfolio
Check our Location
FEI Building 3th floor
Jl. Mayjend Sungkono No. 204
Surabaya 60225, Indonesia
+62 31 5671459
Rukan Mutiara Marina Kav 38-39
Jl. Marina, Semarang
Jawa Tengah 50144 - Indonesia
+62 24 7663 1616
Jl. Gajah mada No.26 D-E
Medan 20153
+62 21 690 5318
Jl. Danau Tempe no 22X Sanur
Bali 80222 - Indonesia
+62 361 849 7636
Need Help? Contact Us
Jl. Kali Besar Barat No.50, Roa Malaka
Kec. Tambora, Kota Jakarta Barat
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11230
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+62 21 690 5318
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